Just wanted to break in quickly to say that my tower has not yet arrived, but hopefully early next week. *sigh*
We are at the point where, keeping with the alphabet theme, we should transition to a certain well known group. The Wizard known as ... Jim gave me some 250 GB of material from this band... and, then another friend (gunslinger287) gave me some 50 DVDs from the same band. I have been working feverishly to get everything sorted - eliminating the duplication, but preserving the source variety and so forth.
The up-side is that if you're a fan, soon you will have a relatively easy means to flesh out your collection a bit. The down-side is that it'll take well over a month to upload this much material. I think that people would start wondering if it would ever end & progress to something not LZ-related. I have been giving the matter some thought & I think that I know how I'll handle it. It'll mean waiting for the new tower, though.
In the meantime, we'll skip along to the next items... and, they're plenty strange, let me assure you.