Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Robyn's Xmas Party


That was a compilation put together by JBJ.  Live versions of then-unreleased songs that would eventually appear on Jewels For Sophia and Star For Bram.  Robyn had joked in an interview Here that his next album was to be entitled “Robyn's Rockin' Christmas Party Album”; hence, the name of the comp. Get the official cover art here.


  1. Robyn Hitchcock
    Robyn's X-mas Party

    This is a compilation tape of tracks that were new at the time, but which mostly became the
    albums "A Jewel For Sophia" and "A Star For Bram".

    Trade Tape -> Tascam 202mkv cassette player -> Realtek soundcard ->
    SoundForge 7.0 -> sampled at 44/16 -> .wav -> TLH -> .flac -> WinRAR -> .rar file -> you

    This tape comes to you from the collection of Eddie Tews.

    When transferring tapes, I always play every inch of tape on both sides. Nothing but silence at the end is ever edited or altered.

    If you want to "remaster" or provide a more detailed set list, please help yourself.

    01 - Viva Seatac
    02 - Loop The Loop
    03 - Elizabeth Jade
    04 - If We Hear Music
    05 - I Dream Of Antwoman
    06 - Cheese Alarm
    07 - Nietzche's Way
    08 - Adoration Of The City
    09 - Ring Dem Bones
    10 - 1974
    11 - Story about Monty Python
    12 - Let's Go Thundering
    13 - We Are The Underneath
    14 - Story
    15 - Daisy Bomb
    16 - No, I Don't Remember Guildford
    17 - Eerie Green Storm Lantern
    18 - I Feel Beautiful
    19 - Jewels For Sophia
    20 - I Saw Nick Drake
    21 - Where Do You Go When You Die
    22 - Gene Hackman
    23 - Dark Princess
    24 - Superkeen (with Tim Keegan)
    25 - Adoration Of The City (with Tim Keegan & Ntshuks Bonga)
    26 - Story about Satan and Santa

  2. Beautiful sound here. I printed both covers! There are tentacles. Oh. And curly hair.

