Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Robyn On Piano



  1. Robyn Hitchcock
    Robyn On Piano

    Trade Tape -> Tascam 202mkv cassette player -> Realtek soundcard ->
    SoundForge 7.0 -> sampled at 44/16 -> .wav -> TLH -> .flac -> WinRAR -> .rar file -> you

    This tape comes to you from the collection of Eddie Tews.

    When transferring tapes, I always play every inch of tape on both sides.
    Nothing but silence at the end is ever edited or altered.

    If you want to "remaster" or provide a more detailed set list, please help yourself.

    01 - Ted, Woody, and Junior
    02 - Fair Play (Van Morrison)
    03 - Linden Arden (Van Morrison)
    04 - One Long Pair of Eyes
    05 - A Day In The Life
    06 - Executioner
    07 - The Wreck of the Arthur Lee
    08 - Only the Stones Remain
    09 - Serpent at the Gates of Wisdom
    10 - Flavour of Night
    11 - I Like Bananas Because They have No Bones (Chris Yacich)
    12 - Glass Hotel
    13 - My Wife and My Dead Wife (story)
    14 - My Wife and My Dead Wife
    15 - Clean Steve (cuts)

  2. Great blog! This music needs more circulation. Is there any chance of re-uploading some of the recent posts? It all looks fantastic.

  3. Yes, please.

    Please consider re-posting with Mega (or some other file server that doesn't have disappearing links after only a few days).

    I appreciate your work on these!
