Monday, December 2, 2013

An Alternate Soundtrack


This is the latest release from those whacky guys over at This Place Records.  Check the comments for details.  


  1. RON GEESIN & ROGER WATERS - Soundtrack From The Body
    [ This Place Records TPR CD 009 ]

    London studios, January-March 1970

    01. Sea Shell And Stone
    02. Sea Shell And Soft Stone (short version)
    03. Breathe
    04. The Womb Bit
    05. Chain Of Life
    06. Embryo Thought
    07. March Past Of The Embryos
    08. Embryonic Womb-Walk
    09. Bridge Passage For Three Plastic Teeth
    10. Bedtime-Dream-Clime
    11. Hand Dance - Ful Evening Dress
    12. A Gentle Breeze Blew Through Life
    13. A Gentle Breeze Blew Through Life (reprise)
    14. Epidermal attacks
    15. Hair Raising Experience
    16. Lick Your Parners
    17. Sea Shell And Soft Stone (long version)
    18. Piddle In Perspex
    19. Mrs. Throat Goes Walking
    20. Heat Waves
    21. The Endless Run
    22. Old Folks Ascension
    23. Asleep And Still Moving
    24. Feed The Children
    25. Red Stuff Writhe
    26. More Than Seven Dwarfs In Penis-Land
    27. Keep Pumping
    28. Dance Of The Red Corpuscles
    29. Air Syncopation
    30. Brain Convergence
    31. Give Birth To A Smile
    32. bonus: Food For Life (Roger Waters narration)

    Music recorded by Ron Geesin in London, Notting Hill, 208 Ladbroke Grove, except
    tracks 1,3,5,31 recorded by Roger Waters in London, Isington, 186 New North Road
    (with Floyd members helping on track 31).

    Source: "The Body" DVD, released in October 2013.
    All tracks taken from the DVD bonus footage with isolated music, except
    tracks 1,3,24,32 taken from the main film.

  2. Details:

    This is the soundtrack from the 1970 documentary film "The Body", as it appears
    in the film but without the dialogs/narrations. It was recorded early 1970 and
    is different from the EMI album "Music From The Body" (for the album, Geesin and
    Waters re-recorded the music in August and September 1970, adding two songs that
    were not part of the original film: "Our Song" and "Body Transport").

    This audio release features the original versions, before the re-recording
    sessions. Furthermore, tracks 14,15,20,21,23,24,27,29,30 are compositions that
    were not included in the "Music From The Body" album.

    The main source for this release is the audio from the bonus footage included
    in "The Body" DVD, where 38 minutes of isolated music are available. However,
    this is not a simple audio rip from the DVD track, because the DVD bonus track
    has 4 problems: speed, completeness, fluctuations, crackles.

    1) Speed
    The audio on the DVD suffers from the well known problem due to the process of
    transferring motion picture film into video, resulting in an increase of audio
    pitch by about 0.679 of a semitone. In other words, the music on the DVD (both
    the main film and the bonus footage) is too high compared to the real pitch.
    This is obvious when you compare the music with the tracks on the official
    "Music From the Body" CD. Therefore, the speed was corrected for this release.

    2) Completeness
    The bonus footage on the DVD with the isolated music does not include the first
    3 tracks that can be heard on the film (the suite "Sea Shell And Stone" - "Sea
    Shell And Soft Stone" - "Breathe"). The suite has been restored here, by taking
    the audio from the film itself for tracks 1 and 3 (hopefully there is no dialog
    during these songs) and by rebuilding track 2 from track 17 ("Sea Shell And
    Soft Stone" that appears at the beginning of the film is an edited version from
    the one that appears later and was available on the bonus footage of the DVD).
    A small musical portion that can be heard during the film when children are fed,
    is also absent from the DVD bonus. It has been restored here, in its correct
    place (track 24).

  3. 3) Fluctuations
    The isolated music available on the DVD has the advantage to avoid any dialog
    or narration, but the levels fluctuate very often: there are plenty of moments
    when the volume suddenly drops, because it corresponds to portions on the film
    where someone speaks above the music. All these fluctuations have been manually
    corrected for the present audio release, in order to have a constant volume for
    the musical content. Note that, as a result, some parts are more hissy than
    others (they correspond to the parts where music levels were low and had to be

    4) Crackles
    There were some crackles and drop-outs in the DVD audio tracks. They have been
    manually cleaned. Note that the soundtrack from the main film had more crackles
    than the audio on the bonus part, and needed more cleaning than the rest.

    Even if most of the music was composed by Ron Geesin (Roger Waters only wrote
    "Sea Shell And Stone", "Sea Shell And Soft Stone", "Breathe", "Chain Of Life"
    and "Give Birth To A Smile"), the work on this soundtrack had an impact on
    Floyd's history. The most obvious one is the involvement of Ron Geesin in the
    arrangement of "Atom Heart Mother". There are also two elements on this film
    soundtrack that were later used by Pink Floyd. First, the child's laughter that
    can be heard at some point during "Chain Of Life", was later used by the Floyd
    during their performance of "Embryo" at the 16Jul70 BBC concert. But most
    importantly, the technique of Ron Geesin using multiple voices during several
    of his pieces ("whooo's") clearly influenced the Floyd for the effects at the
    very end of "Echoes", the next year.

    This audio release is the perfect companion to the official "Music From The
    Body" album. It is based on the isolated music available on "The Body" DVD,
    but runs at correct speed, is more complete (46 minutes instead of 38), and
    has been carefully cleaned and remastered. The last track is offered here as
    a bonus, and contains the narration of Roger Waters during the film sequence
    about the amount of food that can be eaten during 50 years of life.


    November 2013

  4. Really looking forward to listening to this - thank you!

  5. thanks MOB, anxious to hear this...and Dr. F. , a hug from this far land.

