Friday, November 25, 2011

Pink Floyd - 1977-02-04 - With Bright Knives


1 comment:

  1. Pink Floyd:
    Zurich Hallenstadion, 4Feb77
    Berlin Deutchlandhalle, 29 & 30Jan77
    Vienna Stadhalle, 1Feb77
    Re-mastered, re-edited and re-released by
    Man of Leisure Music (MoLM)
    January 3, 2002

    Set One (Disc One):

    1.) Sheep 11:32
    2.) Pigs on the Wing (pt 1) 1:44
    3.) Dogs (29Jan77) 18:00
    4.) Pigs on the Wing (pt 2) 2:16
    5.) Pigs; 3 different ones (30Jan77) 16:51

    Set Two (Disc Two):

    1.) Shine on Yoy Crazy Diamond (1-5) 13:52
    2.) Welcome to the Machine 6:42
    3.) Have a Cigar 5:46
    4.) Wish You Were Here 5:47
    5.) Shine on You....(6-9) (1Feb77) 17:33


    6.) Money 8:30

    Sourced by Steve Blank and Brett Pfieffer
    Artwork by Ken Brankin, aka Tweak.

    This is a compilation of tracks remastered and
    re-released by MoLM to resurrect the incomplete
    4Feb77 Zurich Hallenstadion performance. Much of
    Dogs, all of Pigs and most of SoYCD6-9 were missing
    from the low generation 4Feb77 source.

    There are a number of qualities that make this show so
    interesting to have and listen to. The taper is very
    close to the stage, and the recording has some of the
    fullest sound you'll hear from the '77 tour. The "prayer
    sequence" from Sheep is one of the clearest, most audible
    version in circulation. Dave's solos during Pigs (3d.o.)
    and SoYCD(1-5) are remarkable in their quality and intensity,
    which also sets this apart from some of the other '77
    roios. This version of WYWH is also one of the better
    performances going.

    MoLM chose the "filler tracks" from the two Berlin and
    Vienna concerts for several reasons, including similar sound
    quality, recording levels, and audience noise. The 29Jan77
    tracks are from "Animals from the Soundboard", the 30Jan77
    performance of Pigs (3 d.o.) is from "Absolut Floyd," and
    SoYCD6-9 is from 1Feb77 Vienna Stadhalle.

    Remastering work included spending lots of time blending
    tracks to make this roio a "complete" concert, some minor
    speed correction, recording level adjustments and de-clicking.
    All tracks are from the lowest generation sources available.

    Like any roio, it certainly has its flaws. In terms of the
    performance, while some passages are clearly inspired, the
    band also commits some obvious errors as well. Probably the
    most annoying aspect of this show is that "close to the stage"
    means some unwelcome bass distortion. Either that, or the
    speakers were right on top of the taper. There are cuts or
    gaps in PotW2 and WttM. Potw2 also has some speed problems
    that are not worth trying to correct. The encore, Money, is
    missing about one minute of its beginning. The show came with
    only about three minutes of Dogs, and about seven minutes of
    SoYCD(6-9). Neither track could be saved. Pigs was totally
