Wednesday, November 9, 2011

PF - 1967-09-10 - Stockholm

44/16 Version Here - ready to burn to CD
44/24 Version Here - highest-quality


  1. Thanks Dr. for sharing the CD version. Best regards, K.

  2. Thanks Dr for the lossless 24 bit version. I found a bit of information elsewhere that may be of interest:

    43 years after their first and last performance there, a restaurant in Sweden will once again hear the music of Pink Floyd. Fans of the band have unearthed one of the earliest bootlegs of the group, recorded at Stockholm's Golden Circle, and have announced plans to relive the gig at the same site.
    On 10 September 1967, David Gilmour wasn't yet a member of Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett was still their singer and the band had just released their first album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. The English quartet were touring Europe, where they played the Golden Circle, a Stockholm restaurant and jazz club that did not even own a PA system. "No one will like what we play," complained a band member, according to the fansite Brain Damage (via Spinner). But not only did the group reportedly play a great gig, someone at the Golden Circle recorded the whole thing. This bootleg, apparently of "the highest quality", is the only known recording of a complete 1967 Pink Floyd concert.
    So far, the bootleg has been kept under wraps. But next spring, Stockholm promoters plan to showcase the tape on the same equipment that recorded it and in the same venue, where the decor apparently hasn't changed since 1967. Guests will enjoy dinner, an opening set by Pink Floyd tribute band Lost in Rick Wright's Wardrobe, and then the 43-year-old recording, fronted by "specially designed" mannequins. Even the menu is a tribute, with items such as "Gastronomy Domine" and "Careful with that [Gravlax], Eugene".
    Tickets are on sale now , for 450 SEK (£41), but those who can't make it to Stockholm may be in luck: promoters claim representatives from EMI will be in the house, evaluating whether the Golden Circle recording deserves a wider release.
