Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yes - 1978-09-07 - MSG, NYC



  1. Yes
    September 07, 1978 (Thursday)
    Madison Square Garden
    New York City, New York, USA

    Jon Anderson
    Steve Howe
    Chris Squire
    Rick Wakeman
    Alan White

    130 minutes (complete Low Gen with 1 small patch from 1st gen alternate source)


    Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra (Benjamin Britten)
    Siberian Khatru
    Future Times ~ Rejoice
    Circus Of Heaven
    Anniversary Medley
    Don't Kill The Whale
    Madrigal 1 (Jon, Rick & Steve)
    Heart Of The Sunrise
    Madrigal 2 (Jon & Steve)
    On The Silent Wings Of Freedom
    Rick's Solo
    Your Move ~ I've Seen All Good People


    From the incredibly huge collection of tapehead2 comes this low gen tape of the 2nd night of the 4-night run at MSG.
    This is the 10th show of the Tormato tour, played several weeks before the September 20 release date of the album.

    There are 2 tape sources for this show, the main one used here, which is an excellent and well-balanced stereo tape, and RB's partial tape of most of the show. On the main source here there is a bit of tape-warbling near the end of the big medley, a few garbled seconds here or there and a tape-flip in Soon. This was patched with RB's tape. There are some other pauses and flips between songs, and the one before CoH cuts a bit of Jon's intro, but that part wasn't on RB's tape either. There is another small cut during the quiet intro to Awaken where a few seconds go missing.

  2. Another VG show, AUD B+/A-, thanks Doc for all the great Yes!
