Monday, October 10, 2011

Yes - 1974-02-26 - Boston, MA

Source 3

** Please note that although the cover art files included are the same, the lineage (in comments) is quite different. Please compare carefully & download whichever makes you happy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes
    The Boston Tea-FTO Party
    Boston Gardens
    Boston, MA

    Source: newly discovered (2003) alternate recording
    Transferred by: jb and mp
    Mastered by: smt, January 2004
    Art: smt
    Lineage: audio tape > audio CD > SHN > Sound Forge > FLAC

    A complete recording of this show has been around for years, but this better-sounding alternate recording was discovered only in late 2003. It is a fuller-sounding recording than the more common one, but has two gaps - one in The Revealing Science of God (disk 1 track 5), and another in Ritual (disk 2 track 3). I patched both missing parts with the common recording, carefully adjusting pitch, EQ, and channel balance to make the different source unobtrusive. Sound Forge Acoustic Mirror was used to give a wider spatial effect than the pure mono source recording.

    Yes plays with a full head of steam on this night. Anticipation grows during the Firebird Suite, and Siberian Khatru blasts forward almost uncontrollably. Judging from what Jon Anderson later says, the concert must have started late, and he asks people to stay and listen to the "new album."

    This being the 30th anniversary of the Topographic Oceans tour by Yes, and with the convention going on this week in Boston, it seems a good time to bring out this recording. Besides, ask yourself which presidential candidate is more likely to have listened to Yes back in the day...

    Jon Anderson
    Chris Squire
    Steve Howe
    Rick Wakeman
    Alan White

    Tracks, CD 1:
    The Firebird Suite
    Siberian Khatru
    And You And I
    Close to the Edge
    Prelude to Topographic Oceans
    The Revealing Science of God

    Tracks, CD 2:
    The Remembering: High the Memory
    The Ancient: Giants Under the Sun
    Ritual: Nous Sommes du Soleil
