Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yes - 1971-07-24 - New Haven, CT

Source 1
Source 2


  1. Source 1 -

    July 24, 1971
    The Yale Bowl, New Haven CT

    SBD > master reel > cdr

    That is all I know truthfully. The fellow I received it from said he had borrowed the master reels
    from the owner, copied them, and returned them.
    He seemed very sincere about it so I would tend to think the lineage accurate.
    It sure sounds mighty clean.

    1) Yours is No Disgrace

    2) I've Seen All Good People

    3) Clap / Classical Gas

    4) Perpetual Change (w/Bruford solo)

    I picked this show up a while back on LL and it sounds great!

    Here is the actual confirmation of this show as taken from the "Forgotten Yesterdays" A comprehensive look at the Yes Tours from the Yes Album Tour

    Date : Saturday, July 24, 1971 (38 years, 6 months and 25 days ago)
    City : New Haven, Connecticut, United States Of America
    Venue : Yale Bowl
    Capacity : 10,000
    Lineup : Jon Anderson (Vocals)
    Bill Bruford (Drums)
    Steve Howe (Guitars)
    Tony Kaye (Keyboards)
    Chris Squire (Bass)

    Setlist : Also Sprach Zarathustra
    Yours Is No Disgrace
    I've Seen All Good People
    Clap/Classical Gas
    Perpetual Change

    'Everydays' dropped
    'It's Love' dropped

  2. Source 2 -

    Yale Bowl
    New Haven, CT
    Saturday, July 24, 1971

    TheTooleMan Remix

    Of all the unofficial Yes recordings of all eras of the band that I've ever heard, this is my absolute hands-down favorite. It captures Yes on the verge of tremendous world-wide success, playing in front of a big audience that they needed to reach. Their excitement is tangible, and it comes through in their performance.

    For you who may recall the surround-sound fantasy I created in 2005, this is the mix for the front channels of that little project. There is a bit of pseudo-stereo in this mix.

    You will also note that the first few notes of "Yours Is No Disgrace," which were lost when the recording starting a few seconds late, have been reconstructed through a little clever splicing, using the same bars when they were repeated later in the performance.

    This is my personal mix. I'm sharing it with you just 'cause I feel like it. I hope you enjoy it.

    Peace, love, and turtle happiness
    February, 2010

    Lineup Jon Anderson (Vocals)
    Bill Bruford (Drums)
    Steve Howe (Guitars)
    Tony Kaye (Keyboards)
    Chris Squire (Bass)

    Yours Is No Disgrace
    I've Seen All Good People
    Clap/Classical Gas
    Perpetual Change

  3. I downloaded the Tooleman source. Unbelievable sound! It is like a live performance in a studio (in a GOOD way). Definitely a must have. Thank you so much for posting this one, Doc!
