Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pink Floyd - 1989-07-15 - A Venezia (Rev A)

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This one was just released a few days ago.


  1. Released a few days ago?
    Doctor,is this any different than the one that I already have had for some time.
    By the way thanks for all these great and generous shares.
    And this is one great performance from the Floyd!

  2. "Pink Floyd A Venezia"
    HRV DVD 003 (Rev A)
    The Grand Canal, Venice, Italy
    15 July 1989
    Videotaped and broadcast by RAI Uno

    Video: NTSC (4:3)
    Audio: PCM stereo

    Video Lineage: Broadcast master (recorded live by the station as it happened... probably on 1" tape) > DVCAM (NTSC) > AVI (Vegas capture) > MPEG-2 (CBR 5)

    Audio Lineage: "Venetia" (Ultimate Sound US 62/63) CD > PCM Wave file

    HRV's "Pink Floyd A Venezia" was one of my first video projects and I've learned a lot since then. I recently decided to start the project from scratch using the same video source which I thought I could improve on. And I believe I did. The audio on the original release was mono so the audio is the big upgrade here. MOB gave a ringing endorsement for the "Venetia" CD and has the following to say about it...

    "The audio files you downloaded for Venice are from a bootleg called "Venetia" (Ultimate Sound US 62/63). All I can say is that it's the best audio version I heard of the Venice concert. It's superb stereo and even better than the FM master I used for my version. Maybe it's pre-FM, or very clean FM, or hifi stereo TV capture, I don't know, but it's he best to use for synching with your video."

    So here you have it. The AMLOR tour was not my favorite but I'm sure that many people will enjoy this upgrade.

    RonToon (August 2011)
