Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fish - 2011-03-19 - Copenhagen



  1. FISH

    Copenhagen, DK
    Amager Bio

    source: Audience master / Zoom H2 WAV 44.1kHz
    length: 132min
    quality: A+ (effing unbelievable!)

    Picture it. Amager Bio, a fairly sized venue in the southeast part of Copenhagen. It´s a bit chilly outside even though the day was quite beautiful. For the first time in 18 years the moon is at it´s closest to earth, a mere 35000 swedish (or danish) miles away. Once inside it´s a seatd concert, you´re in the very front row in the middle. Fish enters the stage, in a good mood but also worried. He dedicates the concert to the survivors in Libya.

    Sometimes it feels as if you´re watching the concert from above, like an out-of-body experience. Family business is fantastic. State of mind takes on a new relevance. Jigsaw and Incubus are beautiful. Pilgrim´s address is almost prophetic.

    Suddenly Fish jumps down on the floor. He´s standing right in front of you and gives a speech which makes you tingle right down your spine. He ever so slowly walks to the back of the venue. You listen like a child to a storyteller. He pleads, he´s scared but he´s also angry. You take it all in.

    Then, Vigil. All that ever was is no more, you´re in the moment. Probably the
    best moment of your life.

    Afterwards, outside the venue. It´s even chillier. You make your way home, the moon glowing like the sun guides your way back home. You don´t know where you will be the next time the moon is this close. It doesn´t matter, really. You only hope to be alive.

    This recording is my gift to you all. On the very night of my personal 10th anniversary of recording I make the very best, or at least most emotional of them all. The Vigil speech and song will stand forever as my personal recording monument and one of the finest performances by any artist I have ever had the privilege to witness. Thank your for listening.

    cd1 (58.47)
    1. Introduction by Fish
    2. Chocolate frogs (a capella)
    3. State of mind
    4. Somebody special
    5. Brother 52
    6. Slainte mhath
    7. Out of my life
    8. Punch & Judy
    9. Family business

    cd2 (72.24)
    1. -Incubus introduction-
    2. Incubus
    3. The pilgrim´s address
    4. Jigsaw
    5. -Vigil introduction-
    6. Vigil
    7. Fugazi
    8. Kayleigh
    9. Lavender


  2. Saw him live in 97 at the Odean in Cleveland. Only time I got to see him live. Quick witted humor when he talked between songs when some fans got tired of his ramblings. He hanged around the bar before and after the show got to chat with him. He is an amazing Personality. Great recording by the way.

  3. Great concert and yes, while the sound is A+; it is very, very low volume.
