Friday, June 3, 2011

PG - 1993-09-19 - San Francisco, CA


1 comment:

  1. Peter Gabriel
    September 19 1993
    Polo Field
    San Francisco CA

    01 intro 1:48.26
    02 Come Talk To Me 6:36.10
    03 Steam 7:22.19
    04 thanks 1:38.36
    05 Across The River 3:34.23
    06 Shaking The Tree 8:32.34
    07 Blood Of Eden 6:30.20
    08 Solsbury Hill 4:29.62
    09 Sledgehammer 6:01.12
    10 In Your Eyes 10:43.28
    11 outro 4:01.20
    total running time 61:17.65

    SBD > DAT @ 48 kHz > WAV > FLAC

    Number of DAT generations unknown.

    There is some audible distortion at the start of Come Talk To Me due
    to overloaded vocal mics. This gets better starting at around 3:30
    into the track, and the mix improves even more shortly after that.

    48 kHz DAT read on White Box Enterprise Linux 3 with kernel 2.4.21-27.0.2.EL
    * read_dat 0.2 using DAT DDS ARCHIVE Python 01931-XXX firmware 5.63
    * sndfile-resample using libsamplerate-0.1.2 libsndfile-1.0.11 and fftw-3.0.1

    44.1 kHz WAV edited on Windows XP SP2
    * Sound Forge 6.0e Build 237
    see production notes below
    * CD Wave 1.93.3
    track splits + removed pre show, pre encore and post encore cruft
    * FLAC 1.1.1a with FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 level 7

    No other cuts or edits from master.
