Sunday, April 24, 2011

PF - 1977-04-24 - Tampa Master


  1. Pink Floyd
    Tampa Stadium
    Tampa, FL

    Lineage: cass[M] > DAT(0) > CDR(2) > SHN
    Recording: audience

    CD 1:

    01 Sheep [14:57]
    02 Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) [1:58]
    03 Dogs [16:56]
    04 Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) [3:38]
    05 Pigs (Three Different Ones) [9:45]
    06 Pigs (Three Different Ones) [6:19]
    07 SOYCD (Parts 1-5) [14:51]

    CD 2:

    01 Welcome To The Machine [7:31]
    02 Have A Cigar [6:44]
    03 Wish You Were Here [6:43]
    04 SOYCD (Parts 6-9) [22:00]
    05 Intermission [0:48]
    06 Money [14:01]

    Total Length: 126:11 Mins


    very nice unprocessed version
    at a first listen I thought it was not really an upgrade to the other versions I have but I had to change my mind after
    a deep check.
    indeed here there's nothing more than on the other versions:
    - the difference in length is due on a difference in speed only (here is a bit slow, in the other versions is a tad too
    - POTW 1 has a little inner cut (missing a little portion) in all the copies circulating and here too.
    but this is actually crispier, sounds more 'natural'.
    what makes this an upgrade for real though is the fact that all the other versions circulating have a weird change of
    sound quality about at the beginning of WYWH ... from that point till the end uses to sound much muffled,
    not really good ... this problem is not on the master.

    Waters shouts 31 on Pigs (3DO) 2nd verse at 4:15

  2. Great upload! Thank you Dr. Forrester!
    Can you repost this concert, please?
    Thank you very much.
