Sunday, March 6, 2011

PF - Video Anthology Vol 1


  1. Pink Floyd Video Anthology (RevA)
    Volume 1 (1966-1967)
    HRV DVD 005A

    Video: NTSC (4:3)
    Audio: PCM 2.0 Mono/Stereo
    Running Time: Approx 1 hour 12 mins

    Home Movies, Gog Magog Hills, London
    Summer 1966
    8mm home movies of Syd’s first mushroom trip filmed by Barrett's friend, film student Nigel Gordon, in the Gog Magog Hills in the summer of 1966. The footage on this DVD has been edited to an early instrumental version of Pink Floyd’s Remember A Day.

    London 66 - 67, Sound Techniques Studios, UFO Club & Unknown Venue, London
    11 January, 1967 / 30 December, 1966 & Early 1967
    Live in the studio performances of Interstellar Overdrive and Nick’s Boogie filmed for Peter Whitehead’s Tonight Let’s All Make Love In London documentary. This footage is intercut with live performances at UFO and an unknown venue.

    Scene Special, UFO Club, London
    27 January, 1967
    A live performance of Interstellar Overdrive filmed at the UFO club for the Granada TV documentary Scene Special subtitled It’s So Far Out It’s Straight Down.
    Broadcast on 7 February, 1967.

    Dope, Unknown Venue, London
    Early 1967
    A live performance of an untitled instrumental was filmed by underground filmmakers Diane and Sheldon Rochlin for their cult film Dope.

    Die Jungen Nachtwandler, UFO Club, London
    24 February, 1967
    A live performance of an untitled instrumental and the general scene at UFO was filmed by German TV to be included in the one-hour documentary “Die Jungen Nachtwandler”.
    Broadcast on the Bayerischer Rundfunk TV network on 3 July, 1967.

    Arnold Layne, Promo Film
    Late February - Early March, 1967
    A promotional film for their first single. Filmed at Wittering Beach on the south coast of England by Derek Nice, this promo premiered at the UFO club on 10 March, 1967.

    Home Movies, Abbey Road Studios, London
    April, 1967
    8mm home movies filmed outside of Abbey Road Studios and on an unidentified beach. The footage on this DVD has been edited to the band’s second single, See Emily Play (edited version by HRV Records).

    Bouton Rouge, Arnold Layne, Promo Film
    29 April, 1967
    An alternate black and white promotional film for Arnold Layne was shot in Holland and featured on the French TV show Bouton Rouge.
    Broadcast on ORTF2 on 21 May, 1967.

  2. Look of The Week, BBC Lime Grove Studios, Shepherd’s Bush, London
    14 May, 1967
    Live performances of Pow R Toc H and Astronomy Domine followed by Syd and Roger being interviewed by Hans Keller for the TV show Look Of The Week.
    Broadcast live on BBC2 TV.

    British Pathe News, Suffolk, England
    8 July, 1967
    A colour promotional film for Scarecrow was featured in the British Pathe News which was syndicated throughout the ABC cinema circuit in the summer of 1967.

    American Bandstand, ABC Studios, Burbank, California
    7 November, 1967
    A mimed performance of Apples & Oranges was featured on American Bandstand followed by an interview with Dick Clark.
    Broadcast on the ABC network on 18 November, 1967.

    Tomorrow’s World, Stanhope Gardens, Hampstead, London
    12 December, 1967
    The Pink Floyd were filmed at former landlord Mike Leonard’s house for an edition of the BBC show, Tomorrow’s World. The band performed an untitled instrumental to accompany a demonstration of Mike’s sound and light experiments.
    Broadcast on BBC1 TV on 17 January, 1968.

    Central Office of Information, Jugband Blues, Promo Film
    December, 1967
    It was reported that this film was being viewed by the band at the Central Office of Information on 9 December, shortly after this song was recorded, for inclusion in a cultural exchange variety show.
    Recording date and location are unknown.

    Bonus Clips
    San Francisco, Film
    Anthony Stern developed the concept of the impressionistic documentary with the making of this BFI financed film. The film features a very early version of Interstellar Overdrive as performed by Pink Floyd.
    Recorded at Thompson Private Recording Studios on 31 October, 1966.

    British Pathe News Outtakes, Suffolk, England
    8 July, 1967
    Outtakes from the Scarecrow film.

    Video restoration: RonToon
    Audio restoration: MOB
    Artwork: Chris for Ediskrad Studios
    Quality Control: Big Ed
    Special Thanks: Dr. Forrester, Mooncusser

    Team HRV (2011)

  3. thanks for this amazing post,kisses

  4. I've been run over by a Pink Cone

  5. Alright! The Pink Floyd stuff is starting!

    *anxiously awaits to fill out her collection*

  6. Well... The Pink Floyd stuff isn't officially starting for just a little while yet. I broke the rules & put this one ahead of the line because it was just released on Saturday. B-)

    Hope you like the Beatles... because we have to get through 20 or so Macca posts first.

  7. Ok Doc, let Macca come, but then green light and go, go, go for PF. Lol. Thanks in advance. Regards, Thomas

  8. Thanks so much for the Floyd DVD - I dont suppose you have Vol 2 by any chance?
    Great blog by the way and Thanks once again!

  9. Vol 2 is being built just at the moment. When it's ready, I'll make sure that it's posted promptly. No worries.

  10. This is way nice. Very Impressive! Thank you again...
    Pigs can fly!

  11. Thank you for that - I'll look forward to it!!

    MANY THANKS !!!!!!!
