Saturday, March 26, 2011

PF - 1966-1967 - Flowers and Vegetables


Cover Art


  1. Pink Floyd - Flowers and Vegetables

    Outtakes and rarities from 1966 and 1967

    Side 1

    01 - Lucy Leave (Pink Floyd-Studio-Session)
    02 - I'm a Kingbee (Pink Floyd-Studio-Session)
    03 - REMOVED (officially released)
    04 - Silas Lane (Studio Outtake 1967)

    Side 2

    01 - Experiment (Studio Outtake 1967) (mentionned on the disc on side2, but present at the end of the first side ...)
    02 - Flaming (BBC Session September 1967)
    03 - The Gnome (BBC Session September 1967)
    04 - Mathilda Mother (BBC Session September 1967)
    05 - The Scarecrow (BBC Session September 1967)
    06 - Vegetable Man (BBC Session December 1967)
    07 - Pow R Toc H (BBC Session December 1967)
    08 - Scream Thy Last Scream (BBC Session December 1967)
    09 - Jugband Blues (BBC Session December 1967)

    Lineage :
    Dual 600 Turntable -->Computer Wav--> Adobe audition-->Flac and Trader's little helper

  2. Just out of curiosity, what was the REMOVED track

  3. Just go to the Cover Art page & have a look.

  4. Actually, I'm curious too.. the cover art page you referred to is inaccurate.. it simply skips over 103, and numbers track 104 (silas Lane) as 103 instead , furthermore listing it as a 16 minute track, whereas my SL version is 1:10 (!) my F&V copy (probably from BigO) skips over (has it as missing) #103 also, and continues on with Silas Lane as 104.. there's no info either at BootlegZone..
    I wonder which track it is.. I've lost a whole lot of bootleg art and info over the last several years due to hard drive issues (several TB) so I no longer can just look it up in my own collection...
    Not very important in relation to the big picture.. but I am curious!

  5. It's just a version of Interstellar Overdrive. Nothing to get excited about.

  6. OK.. fine.. but.. which one? For thoroughness' sake I thought to restore it as track #103 in my copy, but as far as I know, the only ones that've ever been officially released (other than the album version) is the '66 london one, and the two on the expanded 'piper' set.. I assume it's one of those two 'piper' ones then.. perhaps the french edit?

  7. Let me explain - This is an inferior source of all - yes all - of this material. There is nothing - nothing - available here that you should really be listening to. All - all - of this material is available elsewhere from Harvested in vastly superior quality. I really debated even sharing this one for this reason. Just delete the files. Don't add more to them. Just delete them. Get the Harvested releases. Live a much happier life.

  8. Actually, you may have a point there.. I have in fact *already* deleted about 100 gigs worth of boots that were inferior.or worse, .soundwise, or so obviously upsampled, and as roio availability online becomes greater, audio upgrades are becoming increasingly possible.
    I didn't want these on my drive cluttering up space and allowing the possibility of them accidentally being mixed up with the good sounding stuff.
    The problem is, that I still remember the pre-net era.. when you hung on to everything for dear life, regardless of how horrid the sound was, because of the difficulty of getting ahold of *anything* at all.

    It's kind of like the folks who grew up in the depression, who can't throw anything away, even if it is absolute junk...

    Hard habit to break ;-)
    Doccus Rockus Maximus

  9. Oh, I all too well remember the day that I spent $35 apiece for 3 different bootleg CDs - only to find out that all three contained exactly the same BBC sessions. It's probably the same reason that I can't throw away most of my VHS tapes...
