Sunday, February 27, 2011

MB - 1972-10-25 - Boston


  1. Source 1 info -

    The Moody Blues Live at Boston Gardens 1972-10-25 Master AUD (shopkin527 master) An ultra-rare complete 1972 Moodies show with artwork! mp3 samples

    This is the next concert of an informal Moodies flood of amazing music! This is a complete performance of a 1972 show with a rapt audience loving every minute of it. Dime member shopkin527 is to be congratulated for having the bravery and sheer guts to part with his master tape in order to get the best possible rendition of this great show. Way to go, guy!

    The artwork was generously supplied by Dime member and Moodies freak Rainbow_glo

    I asked him for some recollections:

    Not a lot to add...not a lot of 35 year old memory cells remaining here...actually the 35 year anniversary is coming up next week.

    This is my oldest surviving audience master, recorded at the now defunct garden on a low budget panasonic portable cassette deck with the accessory mic, hand-held from loge 29, row A, which was a lower level seat in the front half of the arena on the side, so technically i guess it was FOB. My only other recollections from that evening were that the sound system in the house sounded excellent, much better than other shows of that era in that building, and the clouds of smoke that filled the air and rose to the rafters of the garden, much more so than other shows of that era in that building as well.


    The restoration of this show was a major effort, requiring many tries at EQ in order to get the individual instruments to come forward. I hope you like the results. This show was recorded on a unit that utilized wide center-track mono (which is a different format), and it was recorded on a single Scotch extended-range C-120 normal-bias tape. The microphone became overloaded at times, depending upon its position in relation to the taper. Most, but not all of the noise and distortion was removed. The recording gets better and better as it goes along. Listen to the samples! A technical note: This recording cannot be tested for so-called "phase shift". You shouldn't be doing that anyway to someone else's torrent, you should be enjoying the music! Listening to this show in mono will produce cancellation and odd instrument placement. There's only one tape flip, and that's during AYSC.

    Setlist (Runtime 1 hour 50 minutes)


    The Story In Your Eyes
    The Tortoise And The Hare
    Tuesday Afternoon
    Our Guessing Game
    Melancholy Man
    Land Of Make-Believe
    After You Came
    One More Time To Live
    When You're A Free Man


    Are You Sitting Comfortably?
    The Dream
    Have You Heard? Pt 1
    The Voyage
    Have You Heard? Pt 2
    Nights In White Satin
    Legend Of A Mind
    E: Ride My Seesaw

    Lineage: Panasonic cassette deck with extended microphone ->Scotch normal bias tape ->Tascam 112mkII ->Echo audio directly to PC bus (no soundcard used) ->Sound Forge 6.0 ->channel balancing, eq and NR ->Flac via FLAC frontend, level 6, sectors aligned and verified. Since the original recording format and the playback format differ, a pseudo stereo recording resulted. I made it sound as best I could.

    Sarcasm with laughter department:
    And, oh yeah: Every once in a while, no matter how much I say the torrent needed it, someone somewhere insists it should have been posted with no noise reduction. Bubie, I feel your pain... but still I have a very serious quesion to ask you: Did Mommy beat you repeatedly over the head when you were a child? She did, but you want to listen to it that way anyway? Um, ok... In the "Extras" folder is a portion of this show without the nr. I do hope you have an excellent quality sound system to listen to it in that fashion. In that way, it makes the blows to your head (that you no doubt now have to do to yourself... Mommy's *got* to be fed up with your fifty-year old fetishes by now) seem that much more worthwhile! (Bubie, Doink's trying to tell you something).


    A DoinkerTape

  2. Source 2 info -

    The Moody Blues Live in Boston 1972-10-25 Soundboard

    Well, here we go again.

    This concert was on the end portion of the recently seeded Philadelphia show. Yes, it's Boston... the band says so. Ray says something about "telling someone to nip off and have Granny remove the electric teapot".

    But, is it 1972? That's what my tape says. And, using Boston as a source, the Webwriter website gives the 25th of October as the date. Please supply corrections if you have them!

    It's certainly soundboard, but, I have two more questions:

    Is it FM?
    More importantly, is it vinyl sourced, or just the victim of a cheap tape recorder somewhere along the line?

    This has one of the NICEST "Voyages" that I have ever heard. The band were really into it. It's a sharp drop into lyrical nowhere.

    The second part of Have You Heard? is only a fragment.


    Are You Sitting Comfortably?
    The Dream
    Have You Heard? Pt1
    The Voyage
    Have You Heard? Pt2

    Runtime 18 minutes

    This tape was speed corrected in the cassette deck, rather than done digitally. MUCH easier, and more accurate, too. The warbles that you hear now and then are in the original.

    A DoinkerTape
