Sunday, January 2, 2011

G - 1975-04-19 - Liverpool UK



  1. Empire Theater, Liverpool

    UK 4-19-75

    Soundboard, stereo, A+

    With "the knife"!

    1.1 The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 03:32

    1.2 Fly On A Windshield 03:10

    1.3 Broadway Melody Of 1974 02:17

    1.4 Cuckoo Cocoon 02:23

    1.5 In The Cage 08:00

    1.6 The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:02

    1.7 Back In N.Y.C. 06:02

    1.8 Hairless Heart 02:39

    1.9 Counting Out Time 04:01

    1.10 Carpet Crawlers 05:41

    1.11 The Chamber Of 32 Doors 05:40

    1.12 Lilywhite Lilith 00:53

    1.13 The Waiting Room 08:52

    2.1 Anyway 03:49

    2.2 Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 04:09

    2.3 The Lamia 07:05

    2.4 Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:31

    2.5 The Colony Of Slippermen 08:49

    2.6 Ravine 01:46

    2.7 The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:39

    2.8 Riding The Scree 04:12

    2.9 In The Rapids 02:29

    2.10 It 04:03

    2.11 The Knife 09:24

  2. Thank you so much for all these wonderful Genesis shows. What a great start to the new year. We appreciate all your efforts with this blog and have a great year.

  3. I have been listening to the Lamb since i was 15. I am 50 years old and i still listen to the Lamb quite frequently. The lamb sounds as fresh and exciting now as it did back then. Classic prog never gets old.
