Wednesday, December 29, 2010

G - 1974-03-09 - Miami, Fl


1 comment:

  1. Genesis
    March 9, 1974
    Gusman Hall, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.

    Tony Banks, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, Mike Rutherford.

    Disc 1:
    Watcher of the Skies
    Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
    Cinema Show
    I Know What I Like
    Firth of Fifth

    Disc 2:
    The Musical Box
    More Fool Me
    The Battle of Epping Forest
    Supper's Ready

    I received this in a trade from Andrew of Hogweeds fame.

    Lineage: Andrew used to have his list available on the web, but not anymore. It piqued my interest because it was a show I hadn't heard before, and like most of the stuff on Andrew's list, it was low-gen, most likely from a 2nd or 3rd gen tape. So, Andrew's CD's>EAC (WAV)>FLAC (level 8)>this torrent
