Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Falcon Ridge Folk Festival

I have recently returned from spending a little less than a week on the road, attending the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival. One of my favorite bands, Gandalf Murphy, played some five times over three days. I discovered that, despite having travelled across the country, I was by no means the most dedicated fan at the festival. I took the above photo of a fellow who, clearly, took his recordings very seriously. He is holding a chair over his camera during the rain to protect the camera. The very nice young woman seated nearby is holding an umbrella over the fan to shelter him from the rain. I have never before seen anyone use a chair as an umbrella. Naturally, I asked the obvious question. And, yes, he is an engineer.

The scenery was stunning.... when it wasn't raining.... which happened rather a lot. We were wet and covered with mud by the end of each day. Heck, a few times, we didn't even get out to a decent seat without first being covered with mud.

This is a shot taken in the "dance tent" where some people danced and some people sought shelter from the rains. I especially enjoyed the umbrella with the christmas tree lights on it.


  1. WOOHOO! This is indeed a great day! Welcome back, and I (as well as innumerable others) look forward to many new discoveries. Thanks for all your sharing and I hope the future is less stressful than the recent past. Thank you - Marc

  2. glad you had good times.

    a hug,


  3. Of course, I check in here about 3x weekly to see if'n you moved to Mega or another service - Ha! Thx for the update! :)

  4. Good to see you're still kickin' around!

    Cheers,Doc ; )-
