Friday, May 7, 2010

RW - 1987-11-21 - Wembley Arena

This gem comes to us from Mark W. Thanks!


  1. Roger Waters
    Wembley Arena, Wembley
    Middlesex, England
    November 21, 1987

    There are four different versions of this show I've found, 1, 2, 3, &4 CD versions. The 1 CD version is an FM broadcast, the 2 CD is a consise version, the 3 CD starts at Tempted, and the 4CD is the entire thing. This is a new transfer from another copy of the tape used for the 4 CD version. The person who made the 4 CD version used too much noise reduction and the final product is pinched sounding and has little high end. After listening to it I decided that it didn't stand up to the tapes I had, so I made a new transfer. It DOES, however, fit on 3 CDs, so I didn't go for the overkill of 4. I did use noise reduction, but with more care than the previous recorder, ans I EQd it to get the most out of the high and low end. The tape is, however, quite midrange heavy and weak in the low end, so I couldn't get a lot of body or bottom out of it. There are also a few flaws, notably a tiny little blank spot in Jim's intro, and a wrinkly sound in Roger's calls from the hall for a second, but that's what you have to deal with with 20 year old cassettes sometimes. I also had to shuffle some audience noise around from different parts of the show to cover the tape flips and make the CDs run smoothly.
    So now you are currently in possession of the most complete KAOS show that I know of, including a portion of the set break, with the added bonus of The Great Gig In The Sky featuring Clare Torry (this chick does not know this song very well; she never should have been awarded writer credit on it. I've heard her do it live on 5 shows [2 in 73, 2 in 87 and 1 in 90] and she's awful. Gives you an idea of what the master takes must have been like before Parsons, Gilmour and Waters edited the decent parts into a composite take). The only thing missing from my tapes was Jim playing Radioactive by The Firm, which I haad to cut in from the 4 CD version. This has noticeably different quality, but hey, go listen to the album if you want to hear it that bad (hehe).
    Thanks to Quentin1840 for providing another great tape for me to work with. How big is your closet, Q?

    101 Intro To Jim Ladd
    102 Jim Ladd
    103 Radioactive
    104 Call From The Hall #1
    105 Club Nowhere
    106 Call From The Hall #2
    107 Tempted (Paul Carrack)
    108 Radio Waves
    109 Welcome To The Machine
    110 Who Needs Information
    111 Money
    112 In The Flesh
    113 Have A Cigar
    114 Pigs (Three Different Ones)
    115 Wish You Were Here
    116 Mother

    201 Molly's Song
    202 Me Or Him
    203 The Powers That Be
    204 Intermission - Jim Ladd Intro
    205 Calls From The Hall #3-#6
    206 Shredding Alternative
    207 Going To Live In LA
    208 Sunset Strip
    209 The Fish Report With A Beat
    210 Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
    211 Southampton Dock
    212 Arnold Layne
    213 If
    214 Every Stranger's Eyes
    215 Not Now John

    301 Another Brick In The Wall Part 1
    302 The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
    303 Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
    304 Nobody Home
    305 Home
    306 Four Minutes
    307 The Tide Is Turning
    308 Band Intros - Encore Break
    309 Breathe
    310 The Great Gig In The Sky
    311 Brain Damage
    312 Eclipse

  2. I didn't record or make this,but I was at the concert. It is the best concert I went to and have was trying to find a copy for years.Eventually found it on dimadozen and it took 2 weeks to download.I just wanted to share this everyone. Thanks Mark W.

  3. well done guys!!!


  4. hello! great show, i was looking for this for a very very long time.

    it had a great quality

    ehhh.. i was wondering if i can request a show of the roger K.A.O.S. tour in kinswood. the name of the show is the follow: Roger Waters 1987-08-17 Kingswood Music TheaterToronto Canada(KAOS At Kingswood)

    i request this show because is the only show that paul carrack sung " give me a chance"
    i see this show in a torrent in yesskhull, but the seeder was gone . for this reason i do my request

    thanks a lot for this great show !

