Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jill Sobule - 2007-07-07 - Joe's Pub

Very unfortunately, this one was shared in .m4a format. *sigh*
1 2 3


  1. This is a soundboard recording shared on Jill Sobule's official web site.

    1-01 (Hello)
    1-02 Trains
    1-03 Bobbie Gentry
    1-04 Nothing to Prove
    1-05 Wonderlost
    1-06 Letting Go of God
    1-07 Karen By Night
    1-08 Houdini's Box
    1-09 Party Girl
    1-10 Blue Train
    1-11 The Rapture
    1-12 Ritalin Kid
    1-13 Lucy at the Gym
    1-14 Empty Glass
    1-15 (Did Somebody Say Banjo)
    1-16 Under the Disco Ball
    1-17 San Francisco
    1-18 (Banjo Confessions)
    1-19 Jetpack
    2-01 (Applause)
    2-02 Cinnamon Park
    2-03 Put Him in the Hall of Fame
    2-04 Resistance Song
    2-05 Mexican Wrestler
    2-06 Underdog Victorious
    2-07 (The Mushrooms)
    2-08 Manhattan in January
    2-09 Don't Fuck With Me

    1. Just happened by here via a web search. For what it's worth, this is not a sound board recording, at least not in the traditional sense. This was recorded live with multitrack equipment over the course of two days, then mixed, edited, rearranged, and assembled into a two disc set a la a double live album. I know this because I'm the guy who recorded and mixed it.

      The .m4a decision (and it's lossless m4a, assuming you got the right version) was one we wrestled with, but ultimately decided on because the target audience for this was not technologically sophisticated, and we knew iTunes could be installed on many platforms and would play this stuff properly. It was a compromise, but we felt it worked.
