Title: "The Man" Live In Paris SC-R Year: January 23rd 1970 CDR > ACL2005 > WAV > EAC > FLAC SQ: VG
Speed corrected and remastered ""The Man" Live In Paris". Complete performance broadcast via radio in 1970. Speed corrected each track to "Waters Gates" track times. The total time is now 63:43 or ~7.6% increase, which is significant. Application/amount of EQ varied by track, modest overall. Repaired or smoothed dropouts, removed clicks etc. Balanced channel output where possible. Also corrected/changed track order as reflected below. Modified back artwork to reflect track changes and created new front insert to reflect changes including track times.
The overall quality should be very close to "Water's Gate"
01. Green Is The Colour [2:52] 02. Careful With That Axe, Eugene [6:44] 03. Violent Sequence [4:45] 04. The Amazing Pudding [19:45] 05. Daybreak [6:29] 06. Work [1:28] 07. Biding My Time [5:44] 08. Doing It [2:52] 09. Sleeping [6:11] 10. Main Theme (More) [6:52]
Title: "The Man" Live In Paris SC-R
ReplyDeleteYear: January 23rd 1970
CDR > ACL2005 > WAV > EAC > FLAC
Speed corrected and remastered ""The Man" Live In Paris". Complete performance broadcast via radio in 1970. Speed corrected each track to "Waters Gates" track times. The total time is now 63:43 or ~7.6% increase, which is significant. Application/amount of EQ varied by track, modest overall. Repaired or smoothed dropouts, removed clicks etc. Balanced channel output where possible. Also corrected/changed track order as reflected below. Modified back artwork to reflect track changes and created new front insert to reflect changes including track times.
The overall quality should be very close to "Water's Gate"
01. Green Is The Colour [2:52]
02. Careful With That Axe, Eugene [6:44]
03. Violent Sequence [4:45]
04. The Amazing Pudding [19:45]
05. Daybreak [6:29]
06. Work [1:28]
07. Biding My Time [5:44]
08. Doing It [2:52]
09. Sleeping [6:11]
10. Main Theme (More) [6:52]