Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PF - Tonite - Expanded Edition

This set was originally supposed to contain 3 DVDs... However, I thought that the second DVD was a bit of a hack-job and not really necessary, so I deleted the files after I'd made copies for some friends. The other 2 DVDs are pretty groovy, however, and well worth the viewing.



  1. thanks

    some questions before downloading...

    Disc 1 :
    it does not has subtitles, right?
    the image is not as good as the LD?

    Disc 3 :
    apologies for my lack of understanding of this in english
    ...what means "overview films" ?


  2. For Disk 1, you are exactly correct.

    For Disk 3 - These are short films showing scenes from The Fall, primarily, but with other material as well, with Whitehead narrating - explaining how he got into the film making business, how he met the Floyd and so forth. The interesting thing to me was that both films have the same audio, but rather different video content. I wanted to have both films in the same location so that I could compare easily.

    "The Fall" is Peter Whitehead's follow-up film to TLAMLIL. It's exactly the same sort of film, but done in the USA instead of London. It's rather wonderful - and, for whatever peculiar reason, has never been released to the home video market.

    You can download each DVD separately, so if one sounds interesting and the other sounds boring, you can just grab one!
