Monday, April 20, 2009

PF - 1972.06.29 - Waking The Grapevine


  1. Thank you very much for this - I have this on several versions, but my compulsion makes me very excited to see this one too - Very grateful

  2. GRACIAS¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  3. A ver amigos, necesito una ayuda. como debo hacer para poder ver estos dvds en un reproductor hogareƱo de dvds.agradeceria su ayuda. y aguante pink fkoyd, muy pero muy bueno este post,,, espero ayudassssss

  4. I am sorry. I do not speak Spanish. I was able to translate enough of your comments to know that you want help.

    I was not able to learn enough to know what, exactly, the problem is.

    I am not able to help if I do not know the problem.

  5. My problem is the following, when I discharge a dvd, results to be that only obtain a folder VIDEO_ST, but can not reproduce it in a reproductor of dvds What need to know like doing to can look it in the television without problem including the menus. That it is what am doing badly, with that soft have to work.Graces

  6. It sounds as though you are not able to write a DVD properly. Either you have bad media, a bad drive, or software problems. I can not help any of these problems. Sorry.

  7. Anon - Make sure that the VIDEO_TS folder is at the root of the DVD like in explorer

    DVD RW Drive (E:)
    -> VIDEO_TS

    And put nothing else in the root

    I don't even burn DVD's any more - I use a DVD player on the computer or Windows Media Center

    There's probably something out there in spanish, but hopefully this will suffice

    good luck
