Friday, August 22, 2008

The Surrogate Band - 16-Aug-08

Do you guys like tribute bands? I am lucky enough to have a Pink Floyd tribute band that tours locally. They are very taper-friendly. I brought my camera to a recent show at a Bell's. They played for about 3 hours. I have been trying to create DVD projects for each set, but haven't gotten as much done as I had hoped, due to .. you know, life. Here are the links for the first set. If you guys respond positively, I'll post the rest in coming days.

Astronomy Domine
Matilda Mother
Free Four
The Narrow Way pt 3
Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Atom Heart Mother

46 links

1 comment:

  1. I saw them a couple months back in Illinois, i was the only person there and they were fucking awesome.
