Monday, April 7, 2008

Zabriskie - What's The Point

The content is for Floydian completists, but as obscure artefacts of Floydian projects go, this is one of my favourites. On the music front, the show opens and closes with "Come In Number 51" but otherwise there's little of a Floydian nature to get excited about.

What is interesting though is the subject of the discussion, and the context to which it puts the Floyd's soundtrack, and the historical / cultural context within which they were composing the music. Zabriskie is a dense, and pretty impenetrable movie, and a lot of people write it of as a 'too much talk not enough action' show... I think the discussion in this show helps reveal some of Antonioni's intentions and make the movie a more enjoyable watch. Both the movie and this radio show, are probably more for the die-hards, even so.

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