Friday, April 4, 2008

2007-02-20 - RW Colombia Radio Interview

Some DJs at a radio station in Columbia did a phone interview of Roger before his show there. Very strange stuff, indeed! This is another web capture. It's 45 minutes long & very worthwhile!


  1. I know of a country called Colombia, which is where I was born and use to live. Not Columbia.

    After so many years of teaching both English and Spanish I still wonder why all English-speaking people mess up the name? It's like writing "Englond".

    Anyway, interesting to see this interview here. A very bad example of journalism where Mr-Know-it-all DJs from a trendy radio station who lack professionalism interview the greatest star that has come to this country ever, a couple of days before his show. I belive this bas broadcasted simultaneously by FM and web on March 3rd 2007 (if my memory is accurate enough).

    Maybe the DJs were nervous. Maybe.

    Even so, it is clear why Roger is such a great artist: he deals with the interview in an excelent way. Very good answers from a great man.


  2. Sorry about the typo. There is a record label called Columbia. Also, there are numerous towns named Columbia. Still, I should've done a better job.
