Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pink Floyd (& solo) - BBC Classic Tracks - art files

Just found the missing art for this post. I *knew* that it was around here somewhere....


  1. Thank you Dr Forrester.
    I have checked in my data base and I miss the following HRV material:

    HRV 12(revA),15,28,31,32,33
    HRVDVD 1-12 (DVDs take very long time to get/trade usually) :-(

    I will check what's missing in FRP also on my list.
    How many FRP do exist ?

    I am interesting in Early Flight Serie also. I can post ATFOS Vol 01-Vol0 (18 CD Box) in lossless if needed but you almost surely have it already (?). It's just a matter of time for me.


  2. For HRV - I can help you with all of that material. I'll upload the audio. No worries. For DVDs, just email your postal address & we'll get something arranged. You know that the DVDs can be found on the HRV Yahoo Group, correct ? For FRP, check out the web page -

    You don't want Early Flights. It's shit. Just bad copies of common material. ATFOS is much nicer - and I contributed to it, so it must be better. B-)

  3. Thanks in advance for your next UL of HRV. I didn't know that Early Flight Serie was so bad but I trust you because I have some volumes in lossy format and I thought the quality was due to high compression, but if lossless is really shit I will forget about this. Do you have a (temporary junk) private email address where I can be touch with you ? (or I will set up one for a very limited time period then will delete it after having been in touch with you ;-))


  4. Just view my profile and then click the email button.
